You must attend class on the same day(s) that you missed. For example, if you missed day three of class, you must attend day three of another one of our classes.
Look through the schedules listed below and select a class you would like to attend to make up your missed days. Please keep in mind that you are required to make up the entire class period, whether or not you may have attended part of the period or not.
Click the button to request the class you would like to attend. An email window will open automatically populating the subject line with the class you are requesting. Please include your name, birth-date, and days you need to make up.
We will review your request, make sure there is room for you in the class, and notify you when you are registered.
Please note, due to the difference in how the self-paced online program is structured to meet MN DPS guidelines, use of the self-paced program is not permitted to complete makeup days for in-person or teleconference (Zoom) classes.